Harm Reduction Journal / S. Perrin & A. Coppel : Women, gender and drugs : between research and action

This article is part of HRJ’s special issue on harm reduction research in the francophone context and specifically the Harm Reduction Network (HARENE). After highlighting the history and current context of harm reduction for women in France, we present the results of four research studies addressing the links between gender and drugs which were presented in the book Espaces genrés des drogues. Parcours dans la fête, l’intimité et la réduction des risques (« Gendered Spaces of Drugs. A journey of intimacy, party and harm reduction »).

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Book : Living with Drugs / Introduction

This book promotes the interaction between research and professional practices in the field of prevention and harm reduction. Through the scientific work and experience of human and social sciences researchers and medical social actors, research and action assist one another in illuminating the problems associated with the consumption of psychotropic drugs and in developing intervention strategies. A range of varied themes are explored within the scope of drugs and their uses. Both the socio-historical context of drug uses and the construction of prevention and harm reduction public policies in light of scientific knowledge are covered, as well as the issue of release, mobilization and/or negotiation of prevention and harm reduction standards, both for professionals and drug users.

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« KNOWLEDGE IS POWER » / FOREWORD / BOOK : Psychotropic Drugs, Prevention and Harm Reduction

Psychotropes & sociétés (Psychotropics & Societies) gathers work deriving from a long history – numerous publications could fit under this title. However, if most experts as early as the 1970s recognized the close link between the psychotropic uses of drugs and their social context, the will to understand in order to act is relatively recent. This new field of expertise emerged during the 1990s and faced many obstacles. To put this evolution toward a new approach into perspective, it is enough to mention here two seminars that marked research prior to this new paradigm.

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« The Drugs Consensus Is Not Pretty – It’s Been Ripped Apart at the Seams » / Ann Fordham – IDPC

This UNGASS demonstrates the impact civil society pressure can achieve. The drug policy reform movement will continue to grow into a formidable global social movement towards 2019. The collective demand for change will grow ever louder leading to sustainable and seismic break-throughs at national, regional and ultimately UN levels.

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10 Ways to do Cannabis Policy Reform Right

  This is an edited version of the summary guidance in the Transform publication ‘How to Regulate Cannabis a Practical Guide‘. More detailed discussions of each of these points will follow over the coming weeks as we serialize key content from the book.  Cannabis legalisation has finally been realized in various states and nations and […]

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The Negative Impact of Drug Control on Public Health : The Global Crisis of Avoidable Pain

La Commission Mondiale pour la Politique des Drogues a rendu public son nouveau rapport : L’impact négatif du système de contrôle international des stupéfiants sur le respect de la dignité humaine : La majeure partie de la population mondiale n’a pas accès aux anti-douleurs, dont les analgésiques opiacés. Un chiffre ? 92% de la morphine, […]

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Study on the impact of the world drug problem on the enjoyment of human rights

United Nations, General Assembly, Human Rights Council Thirtieth session Agenda items 2 and 8 Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General Follow-up to and implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action A/HRC/30/65 Distr.: General / Original: English […]

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State of the Evidence : Cannabis Use and Regulation

Scientists speak out against false cannabis claims Leading international scientific body reviews thirteen oft-repeated claims on cannabis use and regulation, finds that none are strongly supported by scientific evidence Toronto, Canada – Many scientists are increasingly frustrated by the disregard of scientific evidence on cannabis use and regulation. To set the record straight, the International […]

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Medical Marijuana Laws and Adolescent Marijuana Use in the USA from 1991 to 2014

Results from Annual, Repeated Cross-Sectional Surveys Published in: The Lancet Psychiatry, v. 2, no. 7, July 2015, p. 601-608 by Deborah S. Hasin, Melanie Wall, Katherine M. Keyes, Magdalena Cerdá, John Schulenberg, Patrick M. O’Malley, Sandro Galea, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, Tianshu Feng BACKGROUND : Adolescent use of marijuana is associated with adverse later effects, so […]

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Drug consumption rooms : an overview of provision and evidence

Last update: 04.06.2015 Introduction / site OEDT – EMCDDA Supervised drug consumption facilities, where illicit drugs can be used under the supervision of trained staff, have been operating in Europe for the last three decades. These facilities primarily aim to reduce the acute risks of disease transmission through unhygienic injecting, prevent drug-related overdose deaths and […]

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The Impact of Drug Policy on Women

The Impact of Drug Policy on Women   by Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch & Olga Rychkova – Reports – Global Drug Policy Program, Public Health Program As member states of the United Nations take stock of the drug control system, a number of debates have emerged among governments about how to balance international drug laws with human rights, […]

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Repeal Prohibition, Again

By The Editorial Board, The New York Times.   The Opinion Pages / High Time : An Editorial Series on Marijuana Legalization Intro : Our Position Part 1: States’ Rights Part 2 : Criminal Justice Part 3 : History Part 4 : Health Part 5 : Track Records Part 6 : Regulation … Lire la […]

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