Politiques du cannabis thérapeutique

Le cannabis thérapeutique : toujours illégal en France, mais les patients n’attendent pas :  « Ce n’est pas le cannabis qui soigne mon cancer, mais il m’aide », Fabienne Lopez, dans le blog de l’auto-support des usagers de drogues, ASUD, rue89, 2013. Dans le site de principes actifs, voir publications scientifiques, actualités et témoignages d’usagers. … Lire […]

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Revue de littérature / Christian Sueur – ATHS : Évolution historique et place du concept de psychothérapie dans les thérapies psychédéliques.

« Nous allons, dans une revue de la littérature sur la médecine psychédélique, tenter de repérer les concepts intégrés dans la sémantique employée dans cette littérature, et l’évolution de la notion de psychothérapie, au cours de l’histoire. (…) »

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Renouer l’alliance thérapeutique

Revue Pratiques, Les Cahiers de la médecine utopique.

La prohibition de l’usage de drogues en France a empêché de développer une politique de santé publique. La réduction des risques a été imposée par l’épidémie de sida. Les médecins doivent reprendre la gestion des psychotropes, en alliance avec les usagers.

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Médecine contre justice : le face-à-face instauré par la loi de 1970

Revue SWAPS, Analyse, n°60, 3e trimestre 2010 La loi de 1970 a institué un partenariat ambigu entre justice et santé, qui a oscillé au fil du temps entre recherche de consensus, malentendus et confiscation du débat au nom de la « guerre à la drogue ». Il s’agit aujourd’hui d’abandonner la recherche d’un illusoire consensus pour la […]

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Vies et Portraits, Olievenstein Claude – Universalia 2009

(1933-2008) « OLIEVENSTEIN CLAUDE – (1933-2008)  », Encyclopædia Universalis [en ligne]. Publié dans l‘Encyclopædia Universalis, pp. 494-495 Claude Olievenstein est né à Berlin en 1933. Avec le Centre Marmottan qu’il a fondé en 1971, ce médecin psychiatre a été durant trente années de carrière la figure de proue de l’école française du soin aux toxicomanes. Personnage […]

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Traitements de substitution aux opiacés : stupéfiante manœuvre arrière / Lettre ouverte à Xavier Bertrand, Ministre de la Santé

Action 102, ACT UP PARIS   Act Up-Paris et Sidaction ainsi que Anne Coppel, Michel Hautefeuille et Marc Valleur ont fait parvenir à Xavier Bertrand une lettre ouverte pour répondre à la volonté de la MILDT [1] et du ministère de l’Intérieur de classer le Subutex®, un traitement de substitution aux opiacés, comme stupéfiant.   Lettre […]

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Good practice, good results. Maintenance treatment outcomes in France


In 2004, a public debate emerged on the misuse of, and trafficking in, prescribed drugs. Because of their positive outcomes, maintenance treatments were not officially questioned. A national evaluation showed that the decrease of 80% in fatal overdoses and of 67% in arrests for heroin use (1994-1999) were directly connected with treatment accessibility. This assessment resulted in a consensus among addiction and public health experts. These good results have not, however, been published by the mass media, and the general public still is unaware of them. Nor were the causes of these good results were not discussed among health professionals. They are not only due to the medications involved, but to good clinical practices. The first practitioners who started to prescribe maintenance treatment had followed extensive training, and were networking and building relationships of trust with their patients. Against the background of this public debate, a consensus conference on maintenance treatments organ- ized in 2004 recommended that the prescribing GPs should be better trained, and that they should be included in professional networks. Although these recommendations gave priority to the improvement of clinical practices, the authorities have decided to implement control measures over patients. These measures might make access to treatment more difficult, and they fail to sup- port the involvement of GPs and pharmacists. The effectiveness of substitution treatments could be affected.

Key Words: Maintenance treatment – Treatment accessibility – GPs training

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The institutional and historical context of introduction of opioid replacement therapy in France, and the situation of France in this field compared to other comparable countries


The main characteristics of opioid replacement therapy in France are: 1) the large number of patients, almost 100,000 ; 2) the use of high-dose buprenorphine ; 3) about eight out of ten patients are treated by GPs. The development of opioid replacement therapy is both very recent (1995, Marketing Authorisation) and very rapid. Although cases of misuse have been observed (injection, resale on the black market), a national evaluation showed that development of these treat- ments has been accompanied by an improvement of health and social integration (80 % reduction of fatal overdoses, reduction of syringe sharing, 67% reduction of arrests for heroin use between 1994 and 1999 – see INVS, 2001). These good results are due to a large access to care and Good Clinical Practice by a majority of practitioners. On the basis of follow- up studies, about two-thirds of patients obtain a benefit from these treatments. An improvement of current results would require adaptation of the management of poorly stabilized patients, with a broader access to care, including easier access to methadone. Erratic practices must be controlled by publi- shing good clinical practice guidelines, training of practitioners and improvement of the quality of the relationship with patients.

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« Dans quel contexte historique et institutionnel ont été mis en place les traitements de substitution en France et comment notre pays se situe-t-il par rapport aux pays comparables ? »

Conférence de consensus sur les traitements de substitution Revue Alcoologie addictologie Décembre 2004, Tome 26, supplément au n°4, pp. 17-26   En 1989, la DGS a commandé une étude sur le devenir des toxicomanes. Comment évaluer la mortalité des toxicomanes puisqu’il n’y a pas d’étude ou de recherche française? L’épidémiologue sollicité réunit les principales études […]

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Quelle direction prend le domaine du traitement de la toxicomanie ?

CrossCurrents, The Journal of Addiction and Mental Health Hiver 2003-2004, Vol 7 nº2 L’avenir du traitement dans un monde ‘fou de drogue’ passe par un changement d’attitude Lorsqu’on m’a demandé de rédiger un article sur l’avenir du traitement de la toxicomanie, on m’a averti qu’il serait accompagné d’un autre article traitant de l’avenir de la […]

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À la clinique Liberté, les usagers s’approprient le traitement et,plus largement, la réduction des risques. A Bagneux, la méthadone n’est pas triste, même s’il faut affronter la souffrance et la maladie, l’alcool et la cocaïne. Nous travaillons à la standardisation du traitement. Le choix de Bagneux En octobre 1993, Didier Touzeau et moi ouvrons notre […]

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An evaluation study on share care methadone treatment between a specialized clinic and a network of General Practitioners

Heroin Add & Rel Clin Probl 2000 ; 2 (2): 29-33 Policy Initiatives


This article discusses recent changes in France from what has mainly been a repressively oriented drug policy towards accepting and supporting a variety of harm reduction measures. The introduction of harm reduction in the early nineties proved to be very successful in terms of harm reduction and is already a reality. Most officials, however, are still reluctant to support this implicit policy change openly, or work coherently for a reduction of current inconsistencies or admit the overwhelming success those changes have brought about, so the author is afraid of a serious backlash. The positive effects may be threatened if the public is not adequately informed about the new situation and its positive effects. The government may be unwilling to continue supporting harm reduction in the face of increasing public criticism based on ignorance and an inadequate conception of how to preserve public order in connection with illicit drugs.

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